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accueil capnature bertrix


Make sure we are open !


Tree climbing is a great activity, but it's even better when it's open !

We therefore advise you to consult our opening calendar and the weather forecast for your clothing
before you go there.

tyrolienne en automne accrobranche bertrix activité

September - October

Open every weekend from 10 am to 5 pm

(Last entry at 2 pm)

IMG_20180204_130923 (2).jpg

November - December - January

Closed from 06/11/2022 onwards.

accrorbanche activité for�êt ouvert en janvier fevrier mars

February- March

Depending on the current weather

accrobranche et tyrolienne bertrix ardenne

April - May - June

Open every weekend and Belgian school holidays

(closed on Mondays) from 10am to 6pm* *(Ticket office closes at 4pm)

accrobranche et tyrolienne bertrix ardenne

July - August

Open daily  from 10am to 6pm*

((Mondays from 1pm)*

*(Ticket office closes at 4pm)

For schools, youth movements and groups


It is possible to open for groups and schools during the closed periods, weather permitting !

To organise your group's visit, please contact us directly here. 

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